Episode 30 is up! Reva Dalby returns!

Wow, two episodes in one month? We’re kind of back to our regular posting schedule. Now we just need to start getting those youcasts up and we’ll be good.

We get to discuss Fear Street Super Chiller Silent Night 2. Yes, Reva Dalby from Silent Night is back and not much seems to have changed. Surprisingly enough, it’s not Reva’s Revaness that gets her in trouble but her Dalbyness. If that sentence makes no sense to you, perhaps you should check out the podcast for the indepth plot. If it still doesn’t make sense read it backwards.

Before we get into the Silent Night 2 discussion, both Anna and Surge review a book.  Surge starts it off with a review of Evolutions – Fifteen Myths That Explain Our World by Oren Harman. Surge has a lot to say about it. Anna reviews the final book in the Themis Files trilogy, Only Human by  Sylvain Neuvel. It’s quieter than the first two books but a decent read nontheless.

Without further ado, check out the episode!

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